School desk painted by me and my daughter, Holly.
I wrote the color names and Holly traced them with a paint pen. She was 4 years old when we did this. |
This sign I made for my best friend as a wedding present...she married a hot latin guy!
"Time Flies"......It sure does...this was a thrift store clock spruced up a bit.....
I was into pigs a while back...This one was painted in an Americana theme, purchased at a local craft sale. The lady who sold it to me claimed that it was safe to display outside....the flag she so lovingly painted on it came off in about a I gave it the creative touch!
These canisters where also a thrift store find...your typical brown wooden 70's style......Now a colorful coffee theme.................

I can't believe it's already February 17....where has the month gone??? I would like to say that I've been super busy with projects and have oodles of great things to share with you...well I have been busy....sorta. For the last few years my creative need has been directed toward painting reclaimed objects. I like to think that in my small way I am helping with the "Green" movement by taking old, out of date items and giving them new life...with a little paint and lots of patience...I'm not that good! I have been painting, however in true Lisa(me) fashion I have not completed anything! I seem to really enjoy starting projects-planning things out, gathering up supplies........finishing things and displaying with pride...not so much! Well the items I do finish I do display with pride.....such as my "Time Flies" clock. Here are a few pics of the things I HAVE finished.